Sunday, November 30, 2008

Larry Cooking

Yes, I know that I am WAY behind on posting!!!!  

Larry had been encouraging me to start getting involved in activities and now I am busy again even though I stated I was never going to get involved in another town.  Famous last words - now I am too busy again.

So I am going to do a marathon session of blog postings today and get caught up except for the one everyone has been waiting on.  No, we still can't tell the TOP SECRET news and this is just annoying.  We have the pictures ready but we still can't tell the news.

So post #1 involves Larry cooking.  Larry decided to help out with dinner and said he would make the french bread.  Our local grocery store makes homemade bread and they put it in paper bags.  You purchase it on your way home from work and heat it up for a few minutes.  

I really didn't think this was a difficult item for Larry to cook.  Granted there are no directions on the paper bag but most human beings with a smidge of common sense could figure out that you take the bread out of the PAPER bag and put it in the oven for a few minutes.   I guess the key words here are "smidge of common sense".  Mr. Engineer put the french bread and the paper bag in the oven to cook.  Can you say FIRE?!?!  Luckily everything was fine but we have had to give him a hard time about this one!


Diana said...

A few years ago Denise came over and we were going to make Christmas cookies together (first and last time she is invited) and she used waxed paper on her 1 cookie tray..I said you can not put waxed paper in the oven and she said yes you can..I was RIGHT!!!

The Bowman Bunch said...

Hey, that still isn't as bad as me making Stove Top for the first time. I poured the bread stuffing part in the pot with the other ingredients and THEN tried to boil it...not pretty!