Sunday, June 29, 2008

House #13

Yes this is post #3 today. I am behind and trying to catch up.

Well, the door color is not what I had hoped for but it is better so here is a picture of home #13. Yes, it is our usual ranch style home but the best part of this house is the porch. We are enjoying summer evenings on this porch.

We have found our home number interesting for this house. We have been married for 17 years and this is house #13. Maybe this is our lucky home and we will be able to stay here for a long time.

Guitar Hero

We made a family purchase and decided that Guitar Hero would be a fun game for our family. This game has been a blast and we all want to play, even Grandma!

The Girls are Home!

The girls have arrived home and had a great time in Indiana. I try and be mature and say that I am not jealous but let's be realistic - I am very jealous that they were able to go to Indiana for these past weeks. OK, I am happy for them but I am ready for my turn!!

My parents came and picked them up and Larry's parents brought them home. They stayed with my sister and her family the majority of the week but were able to visit with lots of family and friends. This is a picture of the girls with their cousins Samantha, Garrett and the bottom picture is of Grace.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Floods of 2008

Even though the news sounds like everyone in Iowa is flooded we are not. We are one of only 13 counties in Iowa that has not been declared a disaster area. We are fine and have no water. There is a possibility that we may still loose water but that is so minor in comparison to others including our friends in Columbus.

Coming soon - a picture of home #13 - that is if I can get the color of the door to become the shade I was hoping for rather than pea green.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Peyton is our new neighbor

We met our new neighbors yesterday and can you believe we are so fortunate to be living beside Peyton!! I had no idea that he would move here - maybe just on the off season.

OK - so it is the oldest son but we were impressed with his name.

Emily mowed the yard for the first time yesterday and did a great job. I think that means it is a new job for her. We have worked the majority of the weekend in the yard and getting ready for the garage sale that we are having next weekend.

The girls leave for IN on Wednesday. They are very excited to be going. I just wish that we could be going, also!!!!!!!!!!