Monday, June 16, 2008

Floods of 2008

Even though the news sounds like everyone in Iowa is flooded we are not. We are one of only 13 counties in Iowa that has not been declared a disaster area. We are fine and have no water. There is a possibility that we may still loose water but that is so minor in comparison to others including our friends in Columbus.

Coming soon - a picture of home #13 - that is if I can get the color of the door to become the shade I was hoping for rather than pea green.


Denise said...

I'm happy to hear you guys were spared the flooding. Happy painting!

Diana said...

I am glad you are OK..I was worried. Are the girls still in Indiana?

Suzanne said...

It is just amazing the amount of flooding in the midwest ~ we ahve family in Des Moins and so far they are unaffected as well. Can't wait to see your painting :-}