Sunday, May 11, 2008

Moving #13

This will be the 13th home Larry and I have made together since we were married. Just for the rundown we started with 2 apartments when we were married - one in Terre Haute and one in Indianapolis. Then we had 2 different apartments in Michigan and our first house. After that we moved to Ohio and we only had one house while living there. On to IN where we had an apartment then a house. Next stop was Tucson where we had 2 houses. This time in Iowa we had the temporary home, then the home we are at now and the one we are going in makes #13.

We have the keys to the new house and have been cleaning all day yesterday. We will go back again today as soon as church is over. Doesn't that sound like a fun filled Mother's Day!?!?

I have decided that the reason I don't like cleaning my own house is because I have spent so much time cleaning up other people's dirt so that I can survive in the new location. I'm thinking our own dirt isn't nearly as bad as former owners!!!!

I will post pictures eventually. The front of the house has a nice porch but the yard is in awful shape and the porch needs to be cleaned. If the rain holds out I would like to get started on weed removal today. This home ended up having not a single window covering and since our only option is WM I have been online trying to find window coverings and/or driving to the big city this week. It is a 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch with an unfinished basement. The house is the smallest we have ever lived in but I think we have measured and figured out how to get things to fit.

The good news is we are on a paved road and the walking path is right across the street. The best news is I have yet to see a mouse or an indication there is a mouse. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Diana said...

Ok..You answered question #1 now I am waiting to hear about your NEW job:-)
Everything happens for a reason and #10-13 were for a reason BUT I can still wish for #14.
Happy Mothers Day.

Suzanne said...

Of course your dirt is better than someone else's. Try jcpenny for window stuff. We found great cellular room darkening shades for the house. They were cheaper than ANYWHERE else.