Sunday, May 4, 2008


Yes, it is a BIG BUMMER. I haven't posted for quite awhile. I was very hopeful that we would be posting how we were moving home to Columbus but unfortunately that it not going to be the case.

There have been some HUGE concerns about Larry's employment here. Without going into great detail we will just say that his supervisor has been escorted from the building!!!! With all the concerns here Larry began looking for another job hoping to be able to work for a company and telecommute living in Columbus. The good news was that he received two job offers to telecommute and until 2 weeks ago we thought we would be writing that we were coming home. BUT, the company he is at now made it very clear that they would like for him to stay and positive steps have been taken so we have agreed to try living here for one more year. If we are still not settled after trying for another year his company will help us get home!!

So, we have all agreed to try harder to live here for another year. We will be moving into town in less than 2 weeks so we will be grateful to not be living on a gravel road complete with mud and mice!! I have been hired and will begin my job on the 22nd, after we get moved again, as a training coordinator. The girls have joined 4-H and we are looking into some other activities for the summer.

Emily is VERY disappointed and I agree with her but in this financially unstable times we think we have made a logical and safe choice. We think the girls will be leaving for Indiana the day after school is out and stay for a couple of weeks. They are eager to see everyone. Larry and I won't be able to come in June but we are all coming home in August!!


Diana said...

OMG..I am so sad:(
I hope it ALL works when you say "town" it the same town or a bigger town?
What is your new job going to be.
I REALLY REALLY hope this is great for all of you. We miss you but I agree with what you all said..this is not the time.

Anonymous said...

Hey Boxlers!!! So, the girls are coming to Indiana when?? We need to see you guys soon. School is out here and we're ready to party. How many hours to your new place? We should get in the car and drive over there. Talk to you soon! Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

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