Tuesday, May 20, 2008

8th Grade Dance

Gabi had a great time at the 8th grade dance and she looked gorgeous!! This is a big deal here. I had no idea the importance of an 8th grade dance. I was just excited that she let me brush her hair and use the flat iron on it. Then I was fortunate enough to be allowed to apply mascara and a small amount of eye shadow.


Diana said...

OMG..she is beautiful. I want to be her mother in law.
I am thinking Mrs Nicholas Wang has a nice RING to it:)
Just think we could do ALL the food for the recepetion!!!

Suzanne said...

She looks absolutely lovely! I am sure she had a great time.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness my Gabbers is no longer the little girl I use to babysit.....she's a beautiful young lady! AHHH I'm old! lol
Umm let Erica and I know if you need any screening done on any boys that are going to start chasing her...Only the best for our little ladies!